i chose the pseudonym ‘willjasen’ way back in my sophomore year of high school as a stand-in for a stage name. at the time, i was practicing magic and sleight-of-hand and wanted a new, unique name to go by. my middle name is william, so the first name of ‘will’ was easily chosen. as for the last name of ‘jasen’, i had recently seen a magician on tv named “jasen magic”, and something clicked for me and i put the two together - ‘willjasen’ was then born. i always like to note that the moniker must be in lowercase and squished together - it’s not a proper name! i also use the lowercase stylization throughtout the many forms of online media, just to be different.
this website is one of the many that i have created and manage but this one is my primary website. this site is deployed to the interplanetary file system, with help from github and fleek, and design/content management by hugo.
- bitcoin: bc1qffxk4uqgaspuv9w8tnt7qjs63hlvxyda6l38wl
- ethereum: willjasen.eth
view this website on the dark web: zaa5p6jabyoaqt433uiofzalbzaziqhymd6mjjcbhliv4ihjejzhblqd.onion
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